Toyota Prado instal of Grom Bluetooth BT3 kit
If you’ve been thinking about upgrading to some decent Bluetooth in your Toyota get excited as this is one of the easiest instals I have done in a while!

Groms’ call handling I’m repeatedly told is way better than the factory Bluetooth and now can be controlled from your steering wheel too (if you have buttons)!
Here I am installing Grom’s TOYNB3 The same would go for the TOYNU3 too though you’ll want the bluetooth extension for that guy
Even stopping to take these photos it was ready for initial testing in under 15 minutes!

Upper right

Here is the socket we’re looking for. This didn’t have anything plugged in to it.
If yours does unplug it. It will go back in to the supplied harness

You can also see where NOT to mount the module (it looked like a good spot!)

You may have to cycle the ignition before it sees’ it. If you turn it off, leave it for a good 20 seconds before switching back on.

Pull the door seal back and work the lead in with your trim tool (or thumb)
When you go past the pedals and steering column make sure nothing will get caught up
I’ve been mounting them in the instrument cluster too which is way easier but the owner wanted it here

I like to make them more accessible usually but the client insisted
It’s just above where the ashtray goes.
The trim is not pushed in proper as I was testing the fit.

Thanks for looking, Skot
Here’s a demo in a Hilux until I put the video of this together
I have a 2005 Prado petrol , those cars head units are standard no blue tooth , looking to see how I go bout getting a Bluetooth system in my Prado pls ? And rough price pls ?
Skot Biner
Hi Damin I sent a reply to your hotmail address a few hours ago. Cheers
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